Raz-Plus/Reading A to Z https://www.raz-plus.com/ 


Common Sense https://www.commonsense.org/education/reviews/all Search for the best apps, games and websites.


Common Sense top pics https://www.commonsense.org/education/top-picks


Brainpop https://www.brainpop.com/

Discovery Education streaming is a library of digital resources and standards-based videos for integration into classroom lessons!    www.discoveryeducation.com  

Teaching Books  http://www.teachingbooks.net/

Promethean Board Class Flow https://classflow.com/

ZEARN https://www.zearn.org/ Interactive Math lessons/games for Eureka Math

EPIC https://www.getepic.com/educators Thousands of books


Mrs. Manto's page of Research Links (IIM)


Mrs. Manto's page of Online Books (Including link for Tumble Books and Bookflix)


Magazines Online 


Scholastic Book Wizard
Find and level books using the Teacher Book Wizard from Scholastic!


**Rubrics made easy!!  http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php  **


NOVEL NY New York Online Virtual Electronic Library


