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the use of the NYLearns Curriculum Matrix tool


What is the Curriculum Matrix?  What is the purpose of the CM?

Curriculum Mapping is a tool that allows educational organizations to outline the scope and sequence of their curriculum, align curriculum to the New York Academic and Common Core Standards, and to make the maps available to district personnel online.

A curriculum map:

  • Captures the content, skills, and assessments taught or administered at each grade level within a school building or district.

  • Organizes this information into an easily accessed visual that presents a timeline of instruction by grade level or course.

  • Ensures that there is consistency from one grade level to the next, and there is little redundancy in what is being taught at each grade level.

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How do I access my district's curriculum documents?

In the My NYLearns section of NYLearns, click on Curriculum Mapping. The District CMs tab will list all of the Maps that have been created for your organization. Click on the Title of a Map, or if the list is extremely long, enter a Keyword into the Keyword Search tool to search for a specific Map.

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Why am I not seeing any Maps in the District CMs?

There are 3 reasons that would lead there to be no Maps in the District CMs.  If your access to NYLearns is provided by a building- or district-level subscription, then your District can make Curriculum Maps available to its users.  However, if they have not begun creating Curriculum Maps or if they have not set them online then you will not be able to view them.

If you have access to NYLearns through an individual subscription, then you will not have District CMs since the district has not created the CMs in the first place.

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How do I create an Instructional Map or IM?

An Instructional Map enables you to customize a Curriculum Map with a Notes for Teaching column.  Once you have located a Curriculum Map that pertains to your educational practice, click the Add to My CMs (green plus) button.  The Curriculum Map will be automatically moved to the My CMs & IMs area.  Once you have the Maps organized into the My CMs section, you will need to click the Create a new Instructional Map button.  Once you have created the Instructional Map, you may enter the Instructional Curriculum Map Editor by clicking the Edit button (pencil icon).  Once you are in the editor, you can edit the Title as well as place your own custom content in the Notes for Teaching column of the Curriculum matrix.  To edit a cell in the Notes for Teaching column, hover your mouse over the cell and click.

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How do I add resources to my Instructional Map from My Portfolio?

Once you are inside the Teacher Notes Editor, you may upload content from your ePortfolio to the Instructional Map to keep everything you need organized at your fingertips.  Click the Add From ePortfolio button to bring up the ePortfolio manager.  Click the checkbox associated with the object on the left side and click the Insert Selected button.  Your object will be placed into the Matrix cell.

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How do I add resources that are on my computer to my Instructional Map?

Once you are inside the Teacher Notes Editor, you may upload content from your ePortfolio to the Instructional Map to keep everything you need organized at your fingertips.  Click the Add From ePortfolio button to bring up the ePortfolio manager.  If you have not yet uploaded the file you want to place into your Instructional Map to your ePortfolio, you will first need to complete this step.  Just like using the regular ePortfolio, click the Upload File button, locate the file on your computer and click the Upload button. 

Once your file is uploaded into your ePortfolio, click the checkbox associated with the object on the left side and click the Insert Selected button.  Your object will be placed into the Matrix cell.

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How do I upload a Curriculum Matrix to My ePortfolio?

When viewing the Instructional Map, you may add the Map to your ePortfolio by clicking the Add to My ePortfolio link located above the headers of the Matrix.  Select the folder into which you want to place the IM and and click the Save button. 

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