Frequently Asked Questions
This section of our website is dedicated to the most frequently asked questions related to the use of the Dell Latitude laptops. As the tablet initiative rolls out for the district, we will continue to update the questions and answers to reflect the concerns and curiosity of our students and staff.
Q: How do I connect my laptop to my home network?
A: Connecting the Dell Latitude to your home's wireless network follows a similar procedure as for any wireless device.
- Bring forth the charms menu by dragging your finger in from the right edge of the tablet screen
- Click on the Settings icon at the bottom of the Charms menu
- Click on "Internet Access"
- Select your home internet router from the list provided
- Enter the security password. If you do not know the security password, contact your internet provider
- Click the box for Connect Automatically if it is a router you trust and will use regularly
- Click "Connect"
Q: My laptop won’t turn on.
A: The battery may be completely drained. Plug the tablet in for at least 4 hours (make sure white indicator light is lit on the power adapter after plugging in.)
Q: My tablet battery life seemed to drain very quickly even though I charged it for hours!
A: This can happen for a variety of reasons. Was the tablet in 'sleep mode' and not turned off properly? Did it accidentally get turned on for a long period of time? The battery may drain if left on for a long period of time, even if in 'sleep mode.'
Q: Can I download my own apps?
A: The district does not provide an account to allow students to access the Microsoft store. All educational apps that are deemed necessary will be uploaded by the district.
Q: There seems to be a major problem with my tablet (something won't work at all, won't turn on even after charging, won’t connect to the internet at school...)
A: Please alert one of your teachers know, and the appropriate technician can be notified.
Q: My tablet froze! I can't move the cursor or use the touch screen. Now what?
A: Press and hold the power button down until the screen goes black. Once the screen goes black (shuts down), wait 10 seconds and then restart the tablet.