"The most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st-Century will not occur because of technology but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human."
John Naisbitt
"The most important challenge the U.S. educational system faces is not preparing students to do well on high stakes tests, but rather fostering 21st-Century skills and knowledge in learners so that they are prepared to participate in our global, knowledge-based civilization. This challenge requires both that teachers understand what types of knowledge and skills are required in leading edge workplaces (e.g., decision making under uncertainty, just-in-time learning, information filtering), and that teachers are themselves adept in generic higher order cognitive, affective, and social skills such as systems thinking, creativity, and collaboration."
(Dede 2000; Dede 2003; Partnership for 21st Century Skills 2003).
Sample Questions - Teacher Tech Skills Assessment (Learning.com)
Niagara Falls-WayFind Assessment Posttest 15-16 Exam (1).pdf
NFStaff132, Nfcsd (2) Results.pdf
Learning.com -- http://login.learning.com/
Instructional Technology Integration Resources
ISTE Standards
Common Core - Technology Focus (Kitchen) - CCSS - mk.pdf

National Educational Technology Plan - 2016.pdf